Do not panic and hold your coins


I do not know if you have noticed the market today but like yesterday so today everything is in red.
In my humble opinion, I believe that it was expected after continuous days when the market was moving in the green and the cryptocurrencies were dropping the ATHs one after the other, that there would be some correction in the prices that would bring the market back to normal.
Many new investors have entered the world of cryptocurrencies lately, not of course because they suddenly believed in them, but because many wanted to. to make quick and easy money.
I do not like this logical firework at all because in my opinion it destroys all the smoothness of the market.
Many of them are likely to have made thousands of dollars throughout this story.
The world of cryptocurrencies, however, does not need such investors fireworks.
Our world needs people who will believe and really understand the potential and value of this enormous achievement.
Our world needs people who will continue to hold their coins and will not sell them out at the first opportunity. Only with such investors who will be able to see far ahead of time will the blockchain world take the place it deserves.


So lets hold our coins,stake them and add value to @leofinance because great things will come soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


hold do not even know how to withdrawal not enough anyways. nothing to powerup in hive. ctptalk is where I got the most.. digits etc power mostly. but yes noticed cause right on home page on browser :)


I moved more to hive but nothing to fiat. My main though is that even if price drops further, at least in hive i am using it every day. That is the most important thing for me right now and the only project that i really believe in apart form bitcoin.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I saw a lot of people taking this opportunity to reinforce their portfolios! It's not everyday that you get such flash discounts. I think this time around people are more aware of what crypto stands for and are willing to hold for the long term

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
