Win a NFT! Weekend Q: Who Are You? 2 Days Challenge!


📣 Hi friends,

Timeline: 2 days until Monday.

The most interesting answer to this article gets 1 unique NFT from me, made by me.


After participating in two challenges this week: one in #naturalmedicine about Spirituality and one in #pob about Authenticity, I still feel I have things to say related to both topics.
So I am writing this article now as a gift to you. You'll see why.
Allow me to start and you can feel free to read this at peace, anytime.


~ my pic

Most of us have been taught in life that when we are not happy that we should put on a ‘happy face’ so that we don’t upset other people. We've learned that by putting on a false face, we become accepted by the crowd, or we can manipulate others to play into our emotional game. Truthfully, the false face keeps others from truly seeing how much pain we are actually in. We don’t have to take the risk to be vulnerable and real with them.


~my photo

If you find yourself wearing one of these false faces, do not be overly concerned and shame yourself. Society has given this mask to you. We have seen false faces on media advertisements our entire lives. In every commercial that was ever made in history, everyone is wearing a fake ‘I will convince you’ manipulative mask. The conditioning is deep in us so it is not your fault that you learned this pattern as well.

Perhaps the better question to ask is why do so many of us hide behind these masks? Are we really that afraid to be seen, and let people feel the sadness, loss, anger, turbulence, or emotional pain that we are truly in? It could be a pain from years ago that we never healed, but is still festering subconsciously inside today and only shows itself when we get triggered.


👴👵🙆👫👤 We are human beings and we have all been through some sort of emotional challenge, heartbreak, relationship turbulence, feelings of smallness, blame, shame, or betrayal. We were not trained by society on how to heal these wounds by being more honest, vulnerable, and openly feeling our pain. People see vulnerability as a sign of weakness instead of strength which is what it takes to welcome it.

🚩 If you are experiencing any kind of suffering in your life, it might also be because you have been wearing a mask and you were unaware that you were wearing one. You may not even know that you have one immediately ready to put on right now. The mask is very sly and sneaky and acts like a shield protecting the ego from ever being seen, felt, and heard.

The reason why so many people continue to wear masks is because they don’t know that they have them on. They have been unconsciously robotically wearing them for so many years that it seems normal. The mask behaves like a brick wall, blocking us from being vulnerable, which also stops the deeper heart connection from meeting others in their pain as well. The false face doesn't allow us to be truly intimate with people, feeling our pains together. We do not reveal our loneliness, true tiredness, powerlessness, and struggle that we are having every day to live the life of our dreams.

Once our mask is removed we may feel naked, and even more powerless in life. Yet this vulnerability is our first step towards liberation and true empowerment. We cannot hide behind a mask and expect to be happy in life. If we want success, happiness, love, or joy, then we must let down our guardedness completely. We must take the risk with our loved ones to be real, to talk about what we cannot talk about, and be deeply honest with ourselves on the deepest levels.

👉 “All the greatest treasures are hidden behind that which we wouldn't want to be with.” -Pamela Wilson

If we are going to become free from the problems and inner battles we are experiencing in our relationship with our life partner, with our job, our boss, our finances, our family, friends, or the health of our body (the list goes on and on) we have to be honest and acknowledge what the problem truly is inside of us. We need to be radically real! **This realness can bring up tremendous fear inside that can make you try to escape from it in a variety of ways. ** I know...


~one of my gifs

We must be deeply aware, as we may distract ourselves from being real through the mobile phone, food, legal and illegal substances, other people, or anything that is entertaining for the ego. When we stop and can fully feel this fear of being real, it is a really good sign. You have identified that which is creating all suffering! Now half the battle is done.

The next step is to take a leap into the unknown and make the commitment to continuously be vulnerable with your false face whenever it pops up. You'll soon find that the reward you receive from being open, honest, and vulnerable with you, is a thousand times more valuable than unconsciously wearing this heavy protective armor that is trying to micromanage reality, creating more suffering for another day of your life.

If you wish to truly remove your masks forever, you must give up caring so much about what your friends, family, and your partner think of you. You must instead get excited about the possibility of discovering your connection to an infinite Divine Power inside. This power is the only thing that actually is real, and it cannot put on a false face and is always authentic, real, and free.

~my photo

We must be willing to take the risk to trust in the Divinity inside of us and know that it is guiding everyone in every moment of life along the way. We must realize that our intrinsic nature is sacred and that we are all intelligent, kind, and loving beings from birth. Have you ever met a condescending critical judgmental baby? No, they simply do not exist. We were born pure without this protective conditioning.

Our true nature at our very core is innocent. It is already free from all the judgments, rules, perceptions, and assumptions that society holds us to. We start making real spiritual progress in this lifetime when we realize this and abandon the habit of giving anything in the outer world power over us. This means we stop blaming the outer world for our inner conflict inside and take full responsibility for the divinity at our core.

We can stop letting any falsehood control our lives by taking responsibility for the love inside. We are the creators of everything in our lives, all we need to do is give ourselves more compassion, patience, and gentleness. ***These 3 qualities will expand our consciousness so that we can melt through the ego and liberate our minds! ***

🌴☀️👣 There are as many ways to freedom as there are grains of sand on the beaches of all of the world. When the inner conflict in your inner world is spiritually liberated, it will open up your emotional body and you will feel more spaciousness in your thinking. Your thoughts will have a quality to them that is more relaxed and real. If we can all do this together we will have an extremely enlightened planet.

👉 “You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings." -Elizabeth Gilbert

Your life is an invitation to be real. Being real means being free. I know this sounds a little outrageous, to take the risk to be real, authentic, and open with everyone you come in contact with every day, yet it’s an opportunity to celebrate this amazing heart and soul inside you. Being real is the doorway to self-realization. You are summoned to stop hiding your light behind the fear of what others may think about you. Running away from honesty is a sure way to create misery. You are such a beautiful being. There is nothing inside you that you need to hide.

Any ugliness you perceive in yourself is only a colored judgment and misguided interpretation. When your mask is removed you give everyone permission to do the same. You‘ll be surprised when others are liberated and filled with joy when you are simply sharing with them what you thought you could not share and everyone can be liberated!

~my photo

There is nothing inside you that is wrong, stupid, bad, or ugly. There is only the strength inside you at the core. Once you take the risk to be real and are truly sharing yourself in with everyone in a very real, open, and exposed way, you‘ll see that they start being real with you, and everyone suddenly feels more connected with each other! This is where the entire world truly begins to change. You can start to liberate yourself from this pattern with this simple heart meditation exercise below enjoy!

90 Days of Change

💯 If you‘ve had enough pain in your life and are ready for a significant change, I invite you to take the risk to be real with everyone you encounter for the next 90 days.
90 days! Remove your mask from your friends, family, and loved ones. Let down your guard in a group of people, so everyone can see the divine being inside you. Something very magical and powerful happens when you are real. People start to listen. The secret is to soften with others, be open and constantly bring your attention to your heart. The mask happens when we live up in the head, yet when you bring your attention to the heart and allow your mind to rest there the mask cannot take over.

Meditation Practice For Being Real

💖 In this meditation, practice focusing on your heart center persistently and consistently as often as possible throughout the day and evening. Just rest your attention there whenever you can remember to do it. Take a few long slow deep breathes into the heart, and gently rest your awareness on your heart center.

💫🌟 Practice this for a few days and you'll begin to notice something divine happening. The experience of bliss starts to sneak its way into your daily life. The love that was hidden within your innermost being will come out and give you the courage to be real in every life situation. This loving feeling is a sign that your masks are melting away. Yea!!

Don't worry if the mind wanders when focusing on the heart. Don‘t pay attention to the mind. Just rest your attention as often as you can in your heart. Feel the sweetness of the heart. Develop this heart connection with yourself and every moment of life you will taste the joyful nectar of your divinity.

It‘s good to know that you cannot force this sweetness to rise, you must wait patiently for it as if you were going to sit for a thousand years peacefully. The deeper that you can relax, rest, and retreat into your heart center, the masks which you were once wearing will have no choice but to fall off. A mask cannot compete with the power of the heart.

In fact, nobody‘s mask will be able to remain intact when your mask is gone. In time you‘ll see that everyone‘s mask has to fall because they see how good life feels inside YOU to be without it. The more liberated and loving you become, the faster others' masks will fall off and melt in your presence. You really are that powerful!

Soon you will fill the room with a joy that permeates everyone's heart. You have the power to change this world, one person at a time. That person right now is you. Have fun dropping your masks this week and whatever you do, remember that you're the master here, so don‘t take yourself too seriously (it’s just another mask).

Here's to a great weekend!


