How To Survive A Bear Attack...!!!


Dear Hivers

One or two years ago there were frequent attacks by bears in my region. Bears are not a rare phenomenon in my region, but in general they rarely attack people. If you still need to protect yourself from a bear attack, there are techniques that will help.


First, do not rush to do anything. The chance of the bear attacking you is extremely small. Although she can hit the ground with her front paws, snort, grunt, and look angry and ready to attack, she's just nervous and probably doesn't want to attack.

If she still happens to approach you aggressively, it won't help you pretend to be dead or run away. Keep in mind that the bear runs at over 60 kilometers per hour, and there is no way to escape.

When attacked by a bear, the best way to fight it is to wear a spicy self-defense spray. It sends a jet of about a meter, a meter and a half and can give the bear a good lesson. She is angry for more than 15 minutes and will give you enough time to get away from her, although it is very likely that she will want to get away from you more.

If you have a backpack or other luggage, throw it at the bear and try to move away to a safe distance, hoping it will take an interest in it instead of you.

If you don't have any of the above, you can use trees to fight, but in reality the chances are not great to defeat a bear. You better shout, scream and wave, the chance to scare her is greater.


But first of all let's say how to protect yourself from bear attack:

  • Avoid their lairs. They look like places where a dog would make a house outdoors, but are full of wild fruits, seeds, etc .;

  • Avoid small bears from afar, their mother is nearby;

  • Hang your food at least 30 meters from you on a tall tree. You can use a bag and a rope to hang it high enough.

Let me know if you like it or not in the comment below.

Image Credit : 12

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Hey buddy, listen to some great advice. It would be a pretty extreme situation to go through something like this. I think it's important to stay calm so that you can think intelligently!
