When Expectation Far From Reality

Everyone wants his dream come true. If you have an expectation about your works, study, or business, you will do a lot of things to make into reality. However, sometimes the facts say different things from what you imagine.

You must be disappointed but your disappointment will change nothing. So, what you should do.

  • relax ! You should relax and take out all thinking about your wish. How hard you cry or you feeling angry, the fact will not change. Relax will change your way to see the unexpected situation.

  • look for alternatives. Is there any alternatives that you can do? After you feel relaxed you can brainstorm your mind to find other solution.

  • Try one more time ! You should prepare everything to try the chance in second or third time. You should learn from your failure. You need also break and train before start a new effort.

  • Forget it ! You should forget your expectation when it is impossible because you are late. If you do not forget, you will be burdened by feeling guilty. This will make the situation worse.

  • Start a new life. You should be reborn and start a new life. When you fail in relationship, you should start a new relationship with someone new.

Those are simple things when your expectation do not meet the reality. Thanks for reading and support me to publish 365 days of motivation book!

