19th century Gothic Revival- Neogótico del siglo XIX ( virtual view 41 photo)

19th century Gothic Revival

Hello friends, today I present you this marvel of engineering and design.
This cathedral is located in San Sebastián - Basque country - Spain.
Good Shepherd Cathedral

Neogótico del siglo XIX

Hola amigos hoy os presento esta maravilla de la ingeniera y diseño.
Esta catedral está situada en San Sebastián – País Vasco –España.
Catedral del Buen Pastor

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In the center of a garden with its domes looking up at the sky.

Formerly the land was sandy and marshes.
Guipuzcoan architect Manuel Echave was the creator of such beauty.
The raw material that was the stone was brought from the nearby mountain called Igeldo.
The seating is perfect and up to this time it holds up perfectly.

En el centro de un jardín con sus cúpulas mirando al cielo.

Antiguamente el terreno era arenal y marismas.
Arquitecto guipuzcoano Manuel Echave fue el creador de tanta belleza.
La materia prima que era la piedra se trajo del monte cercano llamado Igeldo.
La sillería es perfecta y hasta estos tiempos aguanta perfectamente.

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Now we will observe through photography its entire facade.
Ahora observaremos por medio de la fotografía toda su fachada.

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Its surface is almost 2,000 square meters, with a height of 25 meters plus the tower that is 75 meters high.
Su superficie es de casi de 2.000metros cuadrados, con una altura de 25 metros más la torre que mide 75 metros de alta.

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Apse -Ábside

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The whole set - Todo el conjunto

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Now we go inside through the front door. The shape of the nave is in a Latin cross, three longitudinal naves, with a transept They say that the architect was inspired by German Gothic cathedrals, more specifically in Cologne.
Ahora entramos dentro por la puerta principal.

La forma de la nave es en cruz latina, tres naves longitudinales, con un crucero
Dicen que el arquitecto se inspiró en las catedrales góticas alemanas, más concretamente en la de Colonia.

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In the background the altar and it seems that it is very far back since inside you feel small under its arches and large columns.
Al fondo el altar y parece que está muy al fondo ya que dentro te sientes pequeño bajo sus arcos y grandes columnas.

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She is spectacular with her spiky Gothic arches and colorful glass rose windows that make the stained glass windows when the sun hits them at the perfect angle fill this nave with a rainbow of marble tiles.
Ella es espectacular con sus picudos arcos del gótico y los rosetones de cristal colorido que hacen que las vidrieras cuando el sol las da en el ángulo perfecto llenan esta nave de todo un arcoíris en sus baldosas de marmol.
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At the other end of the pulpit is a large organ that is currently full of color. Fitted perfectly in the structure, now quiet but present.
Al otro extremo del púlpito un gran órgano que en estos momentos está lleno de color. Encajado perfectamente en la estructura, ahora callado pero presente.

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The stained glass windows placed in the perfect position so that the sun's rays penetrate and give a special atmosphere to the room, full of light
Las vidrieras colocadas en la posición perfecta para que los rayos del sol penetren y den un ambiente especial a la estancia, llena de luz
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The pulpit with its noble wood is observed over the years and the great work that the carpenter did in designing them, so that the priests or monks rest and say their prayers.

El púlpito con su madera noble se observa el paso de los años y el gran trabajo que hizo diseñándolos el carpintero, para que los curas o monjes reposen y recen sus oraciones.

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The roofs with their nerves whenever I see them I remember our friend @juancar347 he does know about history and meaning I am a mere spectator, but he has made me look at these things with an open mind.
Los techos con sus nervios siempre que los veo me acuerdo de nuestro amigo @juancar347 el sí que sabe de historia y significado yo soy una mera espectadora, pero él ha hecho que mire estas cosas con la mente abierta.

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It's time to go out. Well I have taken many more photos, I am a girl with an easy finger, but I have chosen the ones that I liked the most for you, in case you come closer to my land, land of charm and traditions. For lovers of architecture or for people like me, who do not understand much, although every day I pay more attention to you. This is a religious building, but it doesn't matter what religion you are or what you believe in. Art, culture and beauty is universal and it is good to fill the soul with beautiful things, that makes our person grow and we appreciate the beautiful moments, the luck we have in living these days.

Imagine the masons carrying those stones without mechanical means only with pulleys and wooden scaffolds, raising the windows and placing them in the precious place.
The meters of marble to cover the floor, not to mention the master cabinetmakers with all the images and other things.
For me they were great adventurers in this science that is design and architecture.

Es hora de salir. Bueno he hecho muchísimas fotos más, soy una chica con el dedo fácil, pero he elegido las que más me gustaban para vosotros, por si os acercáis a mi tierra, tierra de encanto y tradiciones.

Para los amantes de la arquitectura o para gente como yo, que no entiendo mucho, aunque cada día me fijo más por vosotros.
Esto es un edificio religioso, pero no importa de qué religión seas ni en lo que creas.
El arte la cultura y belleza es universal y es bueno llenar el alma con cosas bonitas, eso hace que nuestra persona crezca y apreciemos los bellos momentos, la suerte que tenemos en vivir en estos días.
Imaginar a los albañiles cargando con esas piedras sin medios mecánicos solo con poleas y andamios de madera, subiendo las cristaleras y colocándolas en el lugar precioso.
Los metros de mármol para cubrir el suelo, sin hablar de los maestros ebanistas con todas las imágenes y demás cosas.
Para mi eran grandes aventureros en esta ciencia que es el diseño y la arquitectura.

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My father, who was a bricklayer, always said that the worker had the right to rest and enjoy himself. So he left you the most typical of my land the pintxos, serve you.
Mi padre que era albañil siempre decía que el trabajador tenía derecho a descansar y disfrutar. Así que os dejo lo más típico de mi tierra los pintxos, serviros vosotros.




Unas fotografías realmente impresionantes, que nos muestran a la perfección esa mirada retroactiva que tuvo la arquitectura hacia formas constructivas del pasado, como fueron los estilos románico y gótico. Una mirada, y a la vez una moda, que atrajo mucho la atención sobre todo a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX y sobre la que basaron muchas de sus obras, arquitectos modernistas, como Antoni Gaudí. El gótico y en este caso, esta iglesia o catedral neogótica, todavía constituye un modelo constructivo repleto de enigmas, pues aunque casi todos los historiadores suponen que surgió como un recurso natural a las obsolescencias del románico, hay otros que piensan que fue importado de Oriente por los cruzados que volvían a Europa de Tierra Santa. Un gran post y un excelente estilo arquitectónico el que compartes en este post. Feliz día


la verdad es que ella representa todo lo que me gusta, después de la de León creo que es una de las mas bonitas que he visitado la de Santiago también pero las fotos igual que las de león murieron en el disco duro.
eso si ya no me vuelve a pasar o eso espero


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 48 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Impressive, great post @txatxy, you've captured all of the Gothic details beautifully and the mouthwatering photos towards the end are definitely a treat after a hard day at work!


Hi, I'm glad you like it.
the cathedral is to spend hours inside and you will surely miss something.
pintxos are part of our DNA, the best for a hard day at work and to chat with friends
Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting and for everything
happy thursday pretty


Pintxos is my new favorite word. Thank you and wishing you a happy Thursday as well 😀


this so that you learn to ask when you visit me hehe
pintxos and rabas with martini the best for a Sunday before eating


Hello, Beauty! This is absolutely a beautiful rendition of stunning architecture! It is so rare to see anything built like that today! I am so happy that you took the time to share this beautiful post with us.

How are you? I have been thinking of you.XO



Hi beautiful friend
I love seeing you around my house, which is yours.
I will tell you that we are fine for now, but I am very sorry for not having a market for a long time, everything is so sad that I am in a hurry to take out the camera and start taking pictures.
I miss it a lot, it is a challenge that I love, but since everything is very strange, my mood is too.
But you always have a place in my heart and the more it encourages me, I'll take out a nice market for you
I hope you are well and if one day you want to visit me I will be happy to take you to those magical places with ancient history and good food and drink hehe
Kisses @dswigle


Do not worry about the Market. I am more worried about you doing well. Everything will go back to someplace that is normal, soon, I hope.

One day, I may visit Spain again. It is such a beautiful country. Many magical places. I am so glad that you recognize that. Some people never even realize they have it so good! Kisses to you, my beauty! @txatxy


I know how to appreciate what we have and appreciate people,
I feel proud of my land and I like all beautiful places, well I get beauty where there is none, you just have to know how to look.
I will wait for you with impatience haha


Art is appreciated universally. It is wonderful to see such details of the cathedral. You have keen observation power. Much appreciated:)
Have a wonderful week:)


Hello friend, thanks for stopping by and commenting.
It is a place that you would spend hours and hours photographing and imagining how they could do it
Happy Thursday @sahiba-rana


The marvellous Architecture of the Cathedral is much appreciated. You are skilled photographer.
Great post, keep flourishing!
