Judging From Appearance?



On many occasions, I could have sworn that the people I trusted aren't really what I later discovered about them.
When people say looks can deceive, please believe it.
And again they say, you can't judge a book by the cover, it is very true.
Because the things we tend to judge wrongly, are the ones that often turn out good and those we thought were the good ones turn out to be the bad ones.
So we really shouldn't judge a book by the cover, the content from its container, or even a person by his or her looks.
Some people are but goats in sheep clothing.
And until you have tested and proven their sincerity and awesomeness, you can't really say for sure what they truly are and what they are up to.

Never Judge The Looks

It can deceive as much, so never judge people by their looks.
People aren't truly what they appear to be.
Like I said that some are goats in sheep clothing.
Get to know a person for who they truly are and not judge from afar using their mere looks.

Now the bad and wicked people don't appear like one.
They rather, dress, talk, walk and appear like angels and saints to deceive and confuse people.
I hope that you don't get deceived by these people.
Look beyond people's appearances and their looks then you will be able to tell who they are in reality.

I do hope you aren't a victim of always judging people by their looks and appearance.
But if you are in any way, it's high time you decided and make a U-turn.
Never judge by looks or appearance.
Because like we know, we should never judge a book by the cover.

Thank you for stumbling on my blog today and taking the time out to read my post. I appreciate it. I look forward to your awesome input on this, thank you.



The irony is that suspicious looking people turn out to be the good guys


Yes, exactly. And that's very sad!
