Stranger Things: Multiverse, UFO and Mermaids


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Human existence is full of discoveries and journeys, but at times, unexplainable things arise out of nowhere with no trace. We are yet to discover everything in this world, but in reality, many things are strange to humans, leaving people perplexed as to where to believe. We do not know who created them, and some people think that everything started with a big bang. Others believe in gods and goddesses, while others do not believe in anyone or anything.

This world is full of unexpected events and unfathomable occurrences that no one can understand. Humans are the most exceptional of all living things on the planet, yet the knowledge they have obtained is limitless in what they can do. Strange incidents still lack evidence to determine that they are factual, and as humans, it appears to be a challenging endeavor. Throughout the century, we have many unanswered questions. Are aliens real? Is the world coming to an end? Is it possible that we have twin planets? These are just a few of the questions that everyone wants to know the answers to, but we seem to label them as bizarre things.

Our reality more interesting because our behaviors and thoughts are unexpected. There is information everywhere. It is up to humans to decide who to believe and who to trust. Others claim that aliens exist and that they are observing us from above, gathering data, and intending to take over us eventually. There have been reports of UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, which have alarmed some people, although research into this phenomenon is ongoing. We can not quickly recognize this incident because we have no evidence that UFOs are alien, vessels or not.

Pentagon releases official footages of UFO.
Video From The Guardian

Strange events have left us with many unanswered problems, which we are still trying to solve. The twin planet, for example, was an intriguing read because it presented copious and contradictory notions that, at times, changed a person's perspective. There is a notion that there is more than one universe, which contains everything that doesn't exist in the other universe. The entire space, time, and energy exist hundreds of billions of years, and the idea of a parallel universe raise in popularity. The universe continues to expand since the big bang, which inflates faster than the speed of lights. The universe had exploded outward to 10^26 times of its original size, called cosmic inflation.

The concept of a multiverse is intriguing since everyone wondered if it exists and our assumption that there is only one reality. For further inquiry into the cosmos, the researchers claimed a truly distinct universe before the Big Bang. The universe after the explosion has the timeline reversed to the Big Bang. The universe after the Big Bang has a timeline that moves backward and forwards at the same time. We have many hypotheses around these topics, but none have come near to the truth. We estimated that Earth is about 13.8 billion years of existence, and the inflation from then continues in other places. The theory that relates to the continued expansion of space is eternal inflation. Also, the eternal inflation discussed that once inflation end in a particular area, a new universe is formed. It means that it is not the end but the beginning of another universe.


A photo of Deep Sea fish .
Photo from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Furthermore, inexplicable phenomena occur not just in space but also on Earth. Humans still lack the technology to uncover organisms living in the deep water, and it appears to prefer to remain a mystery. We have sharks, barracuda, box jellyfish, and other large and deep-sea creatures in our water. Odd creatures, however, do not reside where human eyes can see them; hence the strange species live in places where it is cold and dark, and even lights cannot penetrate.

There are many possibilities that we have yet to discover about 91 percent of organisms. Mysterious animals who reside out there may be characters in our folktales and old myths. We might get in awe to hear that these stories came true. It is only a matter of time before we unearth evidence of its existence. Our forefathers believed that mermaids were our sea guardians, with a seductive voice capable of seducing sailors and turning them into victims. Even scientists believe in mermaids, and the study of evolution may corroborate this belief.

According to the Ape aquatic theory, a million years ago, the primates that preceded humans evolved concerning the environment in which they competed. There is a lot of competition for survival on land, so others start looking for food in water, and eventually, they adapt and live in the sea. That theory is related to the parallel world theory, which argues that every creature seen on land has a counterpart in the ocean.

A rare footages of Deep Sea Angler Fish.
Video From Science Magazine

There are unexplained things that remain to be mysterious, a highly debatable topic, like religion. It influences our practice and conduct. Others have confidence in gods and goddesses, others in Buddha, others in Jesus, while others do not have faith in anybody or anything. There are 18 major religions in the world, each with a unique perspective on their faith. It is difficult to know who or what to believe because no one in this world can establish that one religion is superior to others.

But, in reality, no religion is superior to others because religion is decided by the person and their beliefs, not by others. At some point, an atheist can not judge because every religion has defects, and it is sometimes preferable not to be involved than to believe in something that does not exist. We are always unpredictable, and it can be strange at times. The Earth is nothing to possess because humans will leave this globe, and no one can prove if the person who died is completely gone or if the individual continued the voyage to the other world. Life and death are two words that we described as the start and end of life, yet the explanation is vague and strange. Science answers the whats and hows in the world, but it can't explain things, like the parallel universe, UFO, and what lurks in the deep sea, for now.


  1. Dan Vergano, Big Bang Discovery Opens Doors to the "Multiverse", National Geographic

  2. Alice Roberts and Mark Maslin, Sorry David Attenborough, We Didn't Evolve from "Aquatic Apes"--Here's Why, Scientific American

  3. Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean, Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program, New York Times

  4. W. Hawking and Thomas Hertog, A smooth exit from eternal inflation?, Springer


Dear @juecoree, I don't know much about the big bang theory and parallel cosmology, and I have little interest.
I wonder if my friend @juecoree has an East Asian appearance or a Negrito appearance.

Where do you think modern Filipinos originated, East Asia or Oceania?

I am very curious about what similarities and differences Filipinos have with East Asians.
What is Philippine civilization like?

PS: IS Your offical name Jayson Jueco? Your name felt like a mixture of English and Spanish.😄


I wonder if my friend @juecoree has an East Asian appearance or a Negrito appearance.

I have a typical Filipino appearance (not really towards the Negritos).

What is Philippine civilization like?

Philippine is quite diverse. Typically, Filipinos are closely tied to their families regardless of what region they came.

Is Your offical name Jayson Jueco

Yes, it is sound not a typical Filipino name especially my surname. I am not sure, but my grandparents has Spanish ancestry.


Hello, @juecoree interesting post that takes as a whole to inexplicable situations and that reports around the planet, in addition to touching the subject of the multiverse. The subject that I have read very little, I started of curiosity and it has caught my attention. Besides, there are writings whose authors are renowned in the scientific world. Excellent choice.
