Ikigai and finding your purpose


In the past week we have covered why you should start and how to deal with your fears. But many of us are still stuck at the beginning. What actually is my purpose in life?

So today, we talk a little about Ikigai, or better known as the reason for being.

Ikigai: A reason for being

The are many ways Ikigai can be interpreted. Often people speak about Ikigai without knowing about it. It is the art of doing something with supreme focus and joy. What makes your life worth living, what makes you tick. Once you know what makes you tick, it becomes easier to go all-in on it.

Basically, lkigai is a combination of four things.
1. You love what you do
2. It is your strength; you are good/great at it
3. People pay you to do it; you earn from it
4. The world needs it

Being able to do something in which all 4 are aligned makes everything flow easier and makes life so much more enjoyable. In most cases, we have a combination of 2 or 3, but not always all four things.
* When you love it and you are good at it; it is often considered your PASSION
* When you are good at it and you get paid for it; we usually speak of your PROFESSION
* When you get paid to do it and the world needs it; it is often connected to your VOCATION
* When you love it and the world needs it; it clearly becomes your MISSION

In Personal Development sessions, these concepts often become intertwined, which in essence is not a big problem. We sometimes just get stuck, as we mistake our passion or mission for our purpose. Many young adults head to their perfect study or dream job, thinking that is their purpose, while they are preparing themselves for their profession or vocation.

The issue is that your purpose is rarely a specific thing like a job, but rather something you love doing what the world needs, you get paid for, and are good at, whatever way that is. For those searching, I've decided to make the slides to one of my first talks on my passions in life public, where I first try to identify my purpose in life. Feel free to have a look at it and download it or clip a slide. It's been 4 years since this presentation and I might do an updated version somewhere this year.





Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 51 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Very enlightening and I should really read more (again).


Hello, Jean.


Enjoying this post on your website and wanted to look it up on Hive, glad I found it so I could comment on it! The ikigai is something that changed my life, when I discovered my purpose, it was like an enlightenment and more in my case that I was over 30 years old and still did not know what I had come to this much for, I had to wake up every day.

Thank you for sharing with us this wonderful subject. And so that you have no doubt how much the ikigai has influenced my life, it is written in my logo, next to the phrase carpe diem.


A big hug from Venezuela.

PS: Another publication I'm looking for is this one: https://jeanluc.sr/what-is-hivechat/


Hey @garybilbao, thanks for the positive words. Really appreciate it!

I also struggled with finding my ikigai, so finally finding an explanation really helped. There is an interesting video that helped me think further than just passion:

I clipped the video at the 8.07 mark where Steve Bartlett mentions something I found interesting. I hope it brings value to you too.

Pretty cool that you've added Ikigai to your logo 💪.

#lobi from Suriname

PS.. I had to search.. but I think I found it:


First, thank you for leaving this video, it is excellent. Look, what he says is something I read in a book by Arnie Warren, "The three steps", where he guides us to discover our passion for work. And the author mentions this in the protagonist's story, where he shows us what Steve mentions, that since we are children we tend to do things, to have inclinations. That is maintained in some way in our lives, adolescence, youth, always, always our activities, hobbies, studies, etc., are inclined to a certain activity in particular.

If we can access that past, if we can identify those tendencies of our mind and spirit and even body, it will be much easier to identify our passion, our ikigai.

Anyway, Jean, if I keep writing, this becomes a post. ha, ha, ha, ha. I am very passionate about this topic, because I suffered too much for not knowing my direction in life, my passion, my purpose.

Thanks again for writing on this topic, this is a needed message for many out there who need it badly.

Thanks for the link to the post about Hive Chat. I will read it and comment on something I thought of when I read it on your website.

A big hug, my brother. Really nice to meet you.

Here is a short post about the ikigai that I wrote some time ago, it is in Spanish, my native language: https://peakd.com/hive-114105/@garybilbao/hive-creative-contest-concurso-creativo-de-hive-or-or-estoy-viviendo-mi-proposito-de-vida.

I invite to @elcomentador rate this comment from @jeanlucsr.
