Seven tips for a successful summary


Dear Hivers

Your summary is a variation of your pitch. It be in full swing consitancy.
Express yourself, in the first person, with punch and passion .
Don't sell your profile, avoid touting speech.
Bet on simplicity . No jargon. To be memorable, cut out the superfluous.
Avoid empty words (buzzwords). Prefer facts and concrete achievements.
Don't forget the keywords but without exaggeration.
Structure and ventilate your summary.


Skills and expertise
Here, more than ever, think about keywords and SEO ! As a reminder, advanced searches on LinkedIn are carried out using keywords, exactly like on a search engine. So if you don't take advantage of this section, not only will you drop back in search results, but you'll also miss out on another reputation booster: New One-Click Referrals.

You also have no excuse since LinkedIn makes it easier for you by suggesting skills. Choose from the proposed combinations , those which best reflect your expertise but also those which are the best rated (next to each expertise you will find a popularity index). It will help in search engines.

To find out more, explore the skills & expertise section by clicking at the top right of the menu, on more .

Tips: You don't have to take LinkedIn's suggestions into account. You can enter any text, up to 62 characters.
Your professional background
Now let's move on to your actual journey.

Here, rather than just listing your current and past jobs , like in a resume, I advise you to tell your background . Your story is unique and is not limited to a list of titles and skills.

Your LinkedIn profile is a marketing tool much more than a CV. So show how your expertise was built. Talk about the results achieved rather than the functions. Open the doors : Past experience, even unrelated to what you are doing now, can attract attention.

Nonetheless, orient your journey so that it serves your current goals.
Filter and eliminate or simplify what might distract. So, if you are currently a web designer, but have been an accountant in a previous life, there is no need to go into too much detail about this part of your experience. Keep it of course in your history (this can be a good indication of your resilience or adaptability) but don't dwell on it too much.

Also be sure to highlight your career progression.

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