Lemon oil for cleaning guitar Frets - Do it Yourself


Why is good to use lemon oil?

For rosewood or ebony frets it is recommended to apply a few drops of moisturizing oil from time to time to moisturize the wood. The most commonly used oil for this purpose is usually lemon oil. However, there are other oils that can be used, such as flaxseed and teak oil. Remember that just a few drops is enough to achieve the desired goal. Keep in mind that applying too much oil risks loose frets in the near future. This operation done four times a year is enough to keep the woods hydrated.

Not only for guitar frets, But You can also use it for bass, and more instruments.


Cleaning and Maintenance of a Guitar

An electric guitar, while a robust musical instrument, always requires a minimum of care. This will extend its durability and performance while maintaining quality sound.

Make lemon oil in your home

Lemon oil serves to conserve and moisturize the wood of the scale, leaving a natural look in the wood without much gloss of common oils, such as cooking or peroba oils, serving alcohol to dilate the wood veins to penetrate the juice. lemon, which will clean the wood more deeply and the oil to keep it hydrated and not dry out, the recitation is:
1/3 lemon juice
1/3 mineral oil
1/3 water
You should clean the scale well with tooth brush and water (do not use steel wool) and polish the frets, so apply the oil with cotton on the whole scale.
Do not use to much, you need to use only a few drops, then you need to remove the excess !


Beware of sun exposure within 24 hours of applying lemon essential film as this is a photosensitization barrier and exposure to UV rays that can cause problems in the instrument arm.


This recipe is for use on musical instruments only, not for consumption or any other use.

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I have been using Lemon oil for ages, it works really well :)
