#3StepsNoexcuses Day 15: Get Three Things Done Every Day!



Today's blog post could equally well have been titled "The Fortune's In The Follow-Up" because following-up with your new contacts is the theme of the CTP segment.

Step 1 CTP: The Fortune's in the Follow-Up

You have probably heard that it typically takes at least seven exposures to an offer before someone decides to buy (assuming that the offer is relevant to the needs or desires of the potential customer).

That suggests that the seller needs to follow-up at least six times to have the best chance of closing the sale.

But before we start talking about "sales" we should really be thinking about relationship building.

Do you know what caused me to be here today creating this blog post?

By that I mean what Aristotle called the "efficient cause" of my being here blogging today.

It was because I knew this bloke who goes by the handle of @jongolson and I liked and trusted him based on the relationship that he had built up with me since around 2012 I suppose.

About 18 months ago I read an email from Jon talking about the relaunch of CTP. "That's nice," I thought.

But I didn't do anything about it.

Then, a few emails later... a subject line about the new CTP being on a blockchain or something caught my eye!

If CTP is moving into the world of cryptocurrency, then I really do want to know more, based on what I already "know, like and trust" about @jongolson.

Yes, the new CTP plays right into my interest in crypto, BUT I am only here because of that prior relationship that was built up because Jon puts so much effort into following-up, whether through autoresponder emails, engaging on social media, or directly, one-to-one through private messages, or even hand written letters send by snail mail all the way to Japan!

Follow Up by Showing Up

One simple way to start practising following up with people is simply to show up on a regular basis, put out some content, and then RESPOND to any comments people leave on your posts.

Another way is to reach out to people by commenting on their posts AND THEN RESPONDING to their replies.

These are simple forms of follow-up which people will appreciate. NOTE: The aim is NOT to "get a sale" but to build relationships by being of some value to those you are engaging with.

Step 2 Listnerds: What Are Other People Sending That Attracts You?

I had a look at a bunch of subject lines to Listnerd mails. Here is a typical cluster:

Screenshot 2021-03-31 11.44.26 AM (1).png

Which one most appeals to you? Why?

The one that most appeals to me is:

"Do You Want To Make A Living Online?"

It directly addresses the reader with a relevant question the honest answer to which would surely be "Yes, I do" (otherwise, why would you be clicking for credits on Listnerds, unless to promote something for charity).

But it doesn't give too much away... so it sparks some curiosity.

Yes, I still doubt that there'll be anything in the offer for me, but you never know! It's more interesting to click the green "Read" button for this message than for the obvious Trafficwave promo at the top or the GDI one at the bottom.

What About The Email Body?

Okay, so I clicked it and the email body and found:

  • A simple and agreeable greeting: "Hi there,"

  • Three paragraphs of text, each consisting of two lines that had not been shortened (lots of horizontal eye-swivelling if you're really going to read the whole thing, but no scrolling needed to get to the credit link).

  • No bullet points.

  • A clear Call To Action: "Join us TODAY - it’s free to join! Click HERE"

  • The username (?) of the sender.

The offer, by the way was for a top quality program, one that is on my "Top 5 Programs" list on one of my other blogs.

So, overall, I'd give this email 6 out of 10.

I would be willing to have a closer look at anything else this Listnerds member would recommend based on the quality of the program being promoted in this email.

Step 3 Plus1Success: Do Three Things Every Day##

Anybody who has got to know Jon Olsen will know that he's keen on writing three goals for the day on a whiteboard and erasing them as they get done.

It's a great idea. In my case, I prefer to use a spiral ring notebook for my daily goals.

Also, I split my tasks into two types.

On the left page are my "do every day" tasks such as clicking for credits on various ad sites, maintaining my traffic site and so forth.

Actually, I have those repetitive tasks written on a sticky note that I transfer from day to day until the stickiness wears out. Then I rewrite and update it as necessary.

On the right page are my goals that are specific to the day, but these vary in number from day to day.

As often as not there are more goals or tasks than can be done in a day. The ones that don't get done and continue to be important are carried over to the next day.

Here's today's list, with very little crossed off so far...


What about you? Do you use a whiteboard as Jon does? Or a notebook, or an app? Or do you keep a mental note instead?!?

All the best,

David Hurley
