RE: Should hive remove the vote reward pool?

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I’ve seen this idea floated several times, and hate it more each time that it comes up.

I know that this would suit a lot of the bigger accounts more than the smaller accounts…

Exactly. And for all the times I’ve seen the idea floated, I’ve yet to see a single minnow who liked it.


You're not wrong but that could be amended a bit to say that the current system also favours the larger accounts.

At least 90% of new users that have come to hive leave very soon after due to the unequal rewards system that auto votes the larger accounts or get a down vote from a larger account.

Never get their content seen and then leave forever.

The current system doesn't work and hasn't worked.

However a new user that lands through Leo or splinter talk can earn their layer two tokens through a moderated community and trade for hive to stake. That hive will earn more hive and they will be better off in the long run without having to try and figure out hive or go whale chasing.

A bigger issue would be creating value for layer two projects but that's a totally different problem that would require a lot of development.

I didn't like this idea when I heard it the first time either but it has grown on me after seeing years of issues with the existing one. What we have won't scale and probably isn't sustainable.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile


At least 90% of new users that have come to hive leave very soon after due to the unequal rewards system that auto votes the larger accounts or get a down vote from a larger account

How can we know that with any degree of certainty? People might leave for a bazillion reasons. Maybe they didn’t like the time commitment, maybe they saw too many posts from others that suggested to them that the site was too liberal/conservative for them, maybe they found that the learning curve was too steep for their tastes, maybe they didn’t like the fact that most of their FaceBook “friends” weren’t here, maybe the ones who rage quit and post that it’s because of the reward system are a small but very vocal minority.


72% of my facts are 100% right. There are lots of reasons not to continue but i feel that lot of that is tied to the rewards and getting their content seen by others which is also linked to the rewards system.
I don't think that i would be far off in my guess but obviously there are no real figures on it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
