RE: Making Hive A Mission

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I feel that hive is part of my life, I made it my mission when I created a system to include people like me who know nothing about this world, I ran it twice and it was successful but I made a mistake in something that is vital.

I wanted to bring to hive entrepreneurs, traders, micro businessmen, who would bring great things to hive and its community, they entered but did not last because their businesses were more profitable than what they could earn with the effort required in hive.

So, I think you make hive your life's mission when you come in with nothing looking for an opportunity and you find it. I am an example of commitment because I dedicate the most time of my life to hive and I appreciate so much its currency that is my best treasure, looking for less profitable alternatives to sustain me while I grow my hive capital, despite the days that like today I did not do well in my post even though I spent two days to build it, tomorrow I will get up again with more strength to create another content that contributes to the community.

I apologize for the length of this comment, I was inspired by your publication. Thank you very much. @taskmaster4450


Never apologize for a lengthy comment. That is what is needed and it seriously helps the platform.

I am glad you are inspired. Hopefully, hundreds of others will also get inspired.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks, I wrote a comment today about 500 words long 😆 and I apologize for that. It will be the last time, thanks for replying.
